as it strongly influences espresso quality

as it strongly influences espresso quality

Technology that ensures maximum temperature stability in the espresso machine

In a professional coffee machine the temperature parameter plays an extremely important role, as it strongly influences espresso quality. A stable temperature provides an excellent result over and over again. But how? Again, through studies, research and experimentation, as well as working with the best baristas, we managed to find a solution that provides for the control of every single parameter. Thus was born T3, a technology that allows the barista to set three temperatures: for the brewing group, the water infusion and the steam. What do you get? Control of the water supply’s thermal accuracy that results in temperature stability and ultimately in a perfect espresso. This also comes about due to an electronic system, with probes for temperature, pressure and PID, which manages each variable.


as ,it ,strongly, influences, espresso, quality

The bodywork, made entirely of Supermirror stainless steel

The bodywork, made entirely of Supermirror stainless steel

High technology and design in an espresso coffee machine for connoisseurs

The bodywork, made entirely of Supermirror stainless steel, was designed to look like a diamond, with a technological heart beating inside.


The ,bodywork, made ,entirely, of ,Supermirror,stainless, steel

water as it enters the group should not exceed 2 bars

water as it enters the group should not exceed 2 bars

The lever extraction system

The lever system of this professional coffee machine lets the barista modulate the pre-infusion manually for each delivery. When you lower the lever hot water from the boiler enters the group, wetting the coffee. The more the barista pulls the lever, the longer the pre-infusion phase. A good professional waits for the first drops of coffee to come out before lifting the lever; this means that water will have permeated all the coffee. For effective pre-infusion, the pressure of the water as it enters the group should not exceed 2 bars.


water ,as, it, enters, the, group, should ,not ,exceed, 2, bars

VA388 Black Eagle Dublin your sacrifices, your passion

VA388 Black Eagle Dublin your sacrifices, your passion


VA388 Black Eagle Dublin

We are ready for our new challenge: to offer baristas competing in Dublin in 2016 a machine that will ‘exalt’ their coffee. Creating the best espresso machines is what we do every day, but we know how extremely important competition is for each of you baristas and how it can change your destiny in the world of coffee. We know your efforts, your sacrifices, your passion. We are with you and we offer our support.



VA388, Black ,Eagle, Dublin, your ,sacrifices, your ,passion